Step – 1: Installing Sun-JDK
There have been many a times that I have faced unknown and hard to debug problems with the default installations of Sun-JDK which comes with Ubuntu/RHEL and other Operating Systems. Specially in production systems, I feel much more comfortable compiling things myself and thus if you are planning to make deployments in production system, it is better that you know what you are installing and where.
Download Sun-JDK
After you have downloaded you can run the following commands to install it.
# Change the jdk version to the latest you wish to install. $ chmod +x jdk-6u17-linux-x64-rpm.bin # Running the binary would ask you set of questions and # you would be able to proceed with the install. $ sudo ./jdk-6u17-linux-x64-rpm.bin # Open up your local bashrc profile and add the JAVA_HOME # path to persist the variable in your environment $ vi ~/.bashrc # At the end of this file add a line export JAVA_HOME="/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_17" # Save the file and run the following command to enable # the JAVA_HOME in the environment. $ source ~/.bashrc # Test the install by running the following command # and it would display you the version that is installed $ java -version
Step – 2 : Installing Tomcat
Tomcat is the servlet container and we are going to deploy Mondrian OLAP engine war on this.
Download Tomcat 6
After the download is done, run the following commands to get it up and running. Tomcat is a very simple install, just unzip and place it in the directory you wish to run it with. I am putting the installers right now in the HOME directory, but it is absolutely safe to give your own path, if you have permissions to put it there and execute.
$ tar -xf apache-tomcat-6.0.29.tar.gz -C $HOME $ cd $HOME # Just renaming the install for ease of use $ mv apache-tomcat-6.0.29/ apache-tomcat6 # Make sure you have got sun-java6-jdk Installed on your # system mentioned in the steps above $ vi $HOME/apache-tomcat6/conf/server.xml # On Line 69 change the server port from 8080 to 9090 or # whatever you would like to have # Now we would like to set the CATALINA OPTS for # Mondrian and apache to run properly in our system. # Have given 1024 RAM to Tomcat to startwith since I # had enough of it. You can even start with 256 as minimum configuration. $ vi ~/.bashrc export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=2048m -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Djava.awt.headless=true" # You can read about this more in Tomcat Configuration # documentation. But mostly these are the configuration # parameters that work really good with Mondrian. The last # parameter -Djava.awt.headless=true is necessary to # avoid Tomcat to die when X Windows is not found. # If you wish to throw in more RAM for Mondrian then you can # modify the Xms and Xmx and MaxPermSize variables. export TOMCAT_HOME="$HOME/apache-tomcat6" $ source ~/.bashrc
Step – 3 : Configure Tomcat with MySQL
Download MySql connector for Java
Follow the following steps after the download completes.
$ tar -xf mysql-connector-java-3.1.14.tar.gz -C $HOME $ cd $HOME/mysql-connector-java-3.1.14/ $ cp mysql-connector-java-3.1.14-bin.jar $HOME/apache-tomcat6/lib/
Step – 4 : Testing Tomcat Installation
$ $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ # Browse to http://localhost:9090 and you would get main Tomcat Page. $ $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/
Step – 5 : Setting up Mondrian
Download Mondrian
Follow the following steps after the download
$ unzip -d $HOME $ cp $HOME/mondrian- $HOME/apache-tomcat6/webapps/ # Test Mondrian Install $ $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ # http://localhost:9090/mondrian and you would get the Mondrian page $ $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/
Step – 6: Configuring Mondrian
# Configuring datasources.xml $ vi $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/mondrian/WEB-INF/datasources.xmlCompare below with Original Config and check the differences where I have specified my custom datamart and my cube.
MySalesDataMart My Sales Data Warehouse http://localhost:9090/mondrian/xmla Provider=mondrian;Jdbc=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/my_datamart_db?user=username&password=password;JdbcDrivers=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver;Catalog=/WEB-INF/queries/MySalesDatamart.xml Mondrian MDP Unauthenticated /WEB-INF/queries/MySalesDatamart.xml
Configuring is the next step in configuring mondrian.
Following are the basic configurations that I had put in place. For more detailed configuration options you can refer to
# Compare the following the original file and check the differences. # The comments otherwise are self explanatory $ vi $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/mondrian/WEB-INF/ # Allow the use of aggregates mondrian.rolap.aggregates.Use=true mondrian.rolap.aggregates.Read=true mondrian.native.topcount.enable=true mondrian.native.filter.enable=true # Enables Mondrian Logging in human understandable formatted SQL format mondrian.rolap.generate.formatted.sql=true # Memory Configuration – Prevents Tomcat crashing with Memory Overrun errors mondrian.util.memoryMonitor.enable=true # mondrian.result.limit=50000 # For XML/A JSPs mondrian.test.connectString=Provider=mondrian;Jdbc=jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart;JdbcDrivers=sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver;Catalog=/WEB-INF/queries/FoodMart.xml;
1. Mondrian Documentation
2. Installing Mondrian Guide
Very useful.. Successfully installed mondrian :) Any idea how to feed my data into OLAP Engine?
@nizam Aware of Star Schema for Datawarehouses..? Try reading it up. There is a FoodMart that comes with it by default. You can populate your tables with that and get started..
helped a lot. Thank you very much!!
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