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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mondrian Logging and Tracing

I have been trying to write up this post for quite sometime now. But lately things have been so busy that I could not find time. So here it is for a lot of folks who have faced trouble setting up Logging and Tracing with Mondrian. Below are the steps to configure Logging and Tracing in Mondrian.

The below are not the bare minimum but is a tested configuration on my server.
  1. Apache Tomcat >= 6
  2. Mondiran >= 3.2
Configuring Environmental Variables
While setting up Mondrian we understand that we have to setup CATALINA_OPTS as an environmental variable. For successfully setting up Logging and Tracing, we need to have 2 more declaratives added to the end as below:-

Adding the above in .bashrc in CATALINA_OPTS env variable allows you to do the following:-
  • Adding log4j.xml file allows tomcat to pick up the logging configuration from your webapps/mondrian/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml. (Sample file is present in the section below)
  • Adding log.dir allows you to specify where you want your log files to be generated.